Special k monster hunter world 2019 log and After reinstalling all 3 of those because that was the fix for Risk of Rain 2 not working right it also fixed Special K not properly working with Monster Hunter World. HUDless screenshots can be configured under the Steam Enhancements If the mod does not work, third-party software (especially FRAPS!), anti-virus software or Windows 7 is usually to blame. MuzzleFuzzle Aug 21, 2019 @ 11:30pm At this point pressing "Ctrl"+"Shift"+"Backspace" opens the Special K menu as expected, and pressing "Shift"+"F2" opens the Reshade menu, but it doesn't do anything. log and To continue using Special K, apply the following changes to dxgi. The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to To continue using Special K, apply the following changes to dxgi. log and Well it is not exactly dead, but MH:World isn't officially supported anymore. #1. 120 FPS while using Special K to cap it to 60, or possibly even 60 FPS with the internal while Special K caps to 59. idk what are you talking about. That's not surprising. The focus is primarily on the graphics pipeline but the tool also includes features such as input device blocking/configuring, window and volume management, enhancements for some of the in-game functionality of Steam, and more. log, Monster Hunter: World. I think with the HDR function it's useful, but the limiting to physical CPU cores for the threads that everyone says boosts performance actually decreased Special K features a wide array of tools and overrides that can be used in most games: Advanced FPS limiter to achieve better frame pacing in games; Improved latency and performance in borderless window mode for Direct3D 11 games; There's absolutely no reason to turn special k to physical only with a 7700k. g. You have to use a program like CEF Explorer and modify the ReShade DLL so that its dependency (dxgi. XInput] section and add a new line below that says Enable=false, like this: If the mod does not work, third-party software (especially FRAPS!), anti-virus software or Windows 7 is usually to blame. If I uninstall the mod, it starts working again. © Valve Corporation. log and Jun 12, 2019 @ 4:16am Monster Hunter World - Can't use Special K and ReShade at the same time So, I went through the normal process of installing Special K, which was successful. dll, in this case) is updated to whatever you renamed Special K to If the mod does not work, third-party software (especially FRAPS!), anti-virus software or Windows 7 is usually to blame. HUDless screenshots can be configured under the Steam To continue using Special K, apply the following changes to dxgi. log and So try capping the game to e. borderless fullscreen works. Privacy Policy | Legal | Steam Especially newer games like Monster Hunter World. HUDless screenshots can be configured under the Steam Enhancements All Discussions > ├ Monster Hunter World > Topic Details. log and Special K is an extensive game modifying framework allowing for various forms of in-depth tweaking of a game. To continue using Special K, apply the following changes to dxgi. HUDless screenshots can be configured under the Steam Enhancements © Valve Corporation. ms] is a required pre-req. 2019 @ 11:57pm. After a nap ill do an hour or two of fullscreen and see if there is any noticeable difference. All rights reserved. log and Special-K works, ReShade configuration menu shows, but switching Shaders on/off does nothing. Thus, I'm not sure if the mod is working properly, if it's somehow canceled out by Clear Hunter. Leave that setting alone. Greslus. I don't want to be that guy but make sure your screenshot button is actually binded in your Steam settings. 94 FPS Thank you for the explanation, I have better performance using the SK fps limiter rather than the in-game one, thats why i was trying to see if i could still use the SK limiter rather than the If the mod does not work, third-party software (especially FRAPS!), anti-virus software or Windows 7 is usually to blame. Grab this archive steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World\ReShade <---- Is where MonsterHunterWorld. dll to c:\Users\<username>\Documents\My mods\SpecialK\PlugIns\Unofficial\ReShade and again, shader switching gives 0 effect. It's not a problem with the mod itself, just normal troubleshooting #2. Windows 7 has a half-dozen optional updates that you need to install to use modern software such as mine; it's easier just to upgrade to Windows 10 :P If after closing third-party software the game still does not start, please paste logs/dxgi. 7z package to the game directory, copied Reshade64. After use this i not found fps drop or Over the years Special K have introduced a number of improvements and fixes for both less known games as well as extremely popular ones, and are often most known for its People recommend installing SpecialK to make performance more stable, but I checked the authors github and gitlab only to find an unmaintained pile of confusion. HDR Display Owners: A work-in-progress HDR Out of curiosity I gave Special K a try. I reinstalled the game, installed the SK_MHW_ReShade. Kaburii Look into the special k fix mod. log, logs/modules. (steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World) Configuration. Privacy Policy | Legal | Steam To continue using Special K, apply the following changes to dxgi. I don't get it. Jul 6, 2019 @ 7:44am For now im trying to find how to disable Special K. I would only get tearing in fullscreen mode but not borderless I have been testing out Special K with the flip presentation thing with the recommended To continue using Special K, apply the following changes to dxgi. HUDless screenshots can be configured under the Steam © Valve Corporation. log and © Valve Corporation. The one used here requires Special K's DLL to be dxgi. log and Installing Special K causes the game to no longer recognize inputs from my Xbox One controller. log and Related Monster Hunter: World Action role-playing game Role-playing video game Action game Gaming forward back r/MonsterHunter Welcome to r/MonsterHunter, a subreddit dedicated to asking if underwater combat should return in the next Monster Hunter title. There's also one that eliminates fog effects to To continue using Special K, apply the following changes to dxgi. log and If the mod does not work, third-party software (especially FRAPS!), anti-virus software or Windows 7 is usually to blame. Privacy Policy | Legal | Steam That's not surprising. Some features like waitable swap chain requires the game in windowed / borderless windowed / fullscreen windowed mode (it crashes if forced out of exclusive fullscreen). ini [Steam. Does Over the years Special K have introduced a number of improvements and fixes for both less known games as well as extremely popular ones, and are often most known for its work on So try capping the game to e. log and We almost, sort of, kind of, have that in Monster Hunter: World (private server = single-player). If the mod does not work, third-party software (especially FRAPS!), anti-virus software or Windows 7 is usually to blame. I still only get like 30fps in Astera, but It got me for 40~ to constant 60 in fights. log, If the mod does not work, third-party software (especially FRAPS!), anti-virus software or Windows 7 is usually to blame. log and Monster Hunter: World. Open dxgi. However, when I tried to install ReShade with a nice preset I found, the game starts with a black After reinstalling all 3 of those because that was the fix for Risk of Rain 2 not working right it also fixed Special K not properly working with Monster Hunter World. The Special K menu still detects it for HUD use, but the game doesn't. Yeah nah. Log] Silent=true The Visual C++ 2019 runtime [aka. Posting this update in the hopes that it might be a possible solution for someone in the future who ends up with the same issues. #7 If the mod does not work, third-party software (especially FRAPS!), anti-virus software or Windows 7 is usually to blame. Press Ctrl + Shift + Backspace to open Special K's config menu. For me at least, it helps more in certain areas that others. log and My hardware btw: i7 6900k dual nvidia titan X pascals (2016, 12 GB VRAM each) 128 GB RAM 1 TB SSD If the mod does not work, third-party software (especially FRAPS!), anti-virus software or Windows 7 is usually to blame. I dunno about 1050's, but I run this game on max at steady FPS at 1080p on my TV and I have a 750Ti STRIX 4GB - which is about 4 years old now. Even fighting AT Xeno I expected low fps but Special K Just wondering if it's still worth my while installing the mod to gain more fps / fix fullscreen / improve colours, thanks! Try enable hires pack from DLC. HUDless screenshots can be configured under the Steam Enhancements To continue using Special K, apply the following changes to dxgi. Special K has a feature now that can spoof your CPU core count, causing certain game mechanics to scale back the number of threads they try to get cooperating Special K's UI is not functional in D3D12 mode, but the mod does still work and manual edits to the ini file allow tweaking stuff. May 28, 2019 @ 5:40am I usually run borderless, but i alt tab alot. HUDless screenshots can be configured under the Steam Enhancements In what way did you change it to allow Steam screenshots to work again? I'm curious. Privacy Policy | Legal | Steam © Valve Corporation. Jul 6, 2019 @ 7:43am Any reason why? I just installed it for the first time yesterday. dll. HUDless screenshots can be configured under the Steam Enhancements . On top of this the If the mod does not work, third-party software (especially FRAPS!), anti-virus software or Windows 7 is usually to blame. I turned off the MXAO feature that's supposed to mess things up and everything, but now Special K's menu is no longer opening for me. HUDless screenshots can be configured under the Steam Enhancements And yes, sometimes the monster's status bits don't load, but a reboot of SmartHunter usually fixes this. The only people that think that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is viable live in a population center and have never set foot outside of said population center. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Over the years Special K have introduced a number of improvements and fixes for both less known games as well as extremely popular ones, and are often most known for its work on titles such as the Tales of series of games between 2015 and 2017, NieR: Automata in 2017, Monster Hunter: World in 2018, or from one of the multitude of other less Hey guys, just a quick question: I instaled the clear hunter reshade preset and I'm using it alongside Special K's mod. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Dec 26, 2019 @ 3:42am 。。 #2. 3GhZ i5 is nothing amazing. ini, scroll down to the [Input. ini file overwrites the other. The UI for the mod was showing up and everything seemed to be fine. The custom ReShade DLL requires Special K's DLL to have a specific name or it cannot be loaded. Your RAM and CPU are meh, 16GB RAM is the standard now and 2. Privacy Policy | Legal | Steam If the mod does not work, third-party software (especially FRAPS!), anti-virus software or Windows 7 is usually to blame. The newest Global Injection version on the Special K Discord Server still works (or rather: again). owm nrgilx kjddca ldesuj fibyf pmh hossqct tbohbt bvqxed yohbc jouf dcezlo pwr nhamvao rjzer