Macro use action bar. New replies are no longer allowed.
Macro use action bar ~Set more macros and take advantage of shift-click, control-click, Hello all, New to macros and wow ingeneral, my action bars are filling up was oroginally looking for a way to make my wand shoot with a right click to save an action bar slot. In fact, if you have trouble with the number of skills I recommend using a controller to play rather than a mouse/keyboard. Other options may work these options have been tested and Straight copy from the glossary of text commands, if you wanna check out more cool stuff for macro building: /hotbar USAGE: /hotbar [subcommand] →Edit and configure hotbar settings. MacrobarPlus provides custom macros and actionbars outside of the World of Warcraft macro system. Mounting shows the action bar and it can’t seem to be toggled in combat. As title says. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Blog Entries View Articles First go to action bars, and make sure they are enabled. /changeactionbar [options] page Usage [] This command accepts secure command options. that way I just need to use my triggers) /crosshotbar action "Collectable Synthesis" 3 1 /crosshotbar action "Observe" 3 2 /crosshotbar action "" 3 3 /crosshotbar action "" 3 4 Post by Talawa /run MainMenuBar:Hide() Will hide the bar and /run MainMenuBar:Show() will show the bar again, but if you logout or reload UI it will reset, I don't know of any way to safe it, except for writing MainMenuBar:Hide() into an addon. Using Action Bars Effectively Placing Your Action Bars. Right now I have a list of spell ID's, action bar locations, etc. Rainer M. Any help would be awesome. But if I can get rid of my 30 toys/mounts/pets and put them to 3 slots. before this update i had my macro icon set to “e” and “r” for me to press but now they changed it i have to keybind my macro to “e” and “r” to use and it takes over my action bar and i cant fly on my mount anymore using “e” and “r”? sorry im new to using I used to use G for divine shield but i fat finger it too many times so now it's shift G, and G is salv mouseover. 11, World of Warcraft allows 120 Action Slot IDs, numbered from 1-120. ” I feel like I’m not getting the point here. each macro needs a stub macro in /macro to be able to be used. However would be even more useful i think to have my action bars change on friendly vs enemy targets. Is it possible to move the tooltip for action bar buttons? At present the tooltip shows top right of action button, but if say i hover over a mob its where i set the tooltip in anchors in elvui. I don’t need a full UI overhaul mod, a simple script should suffice. The IDs 1-72 are used by the six default bars (see below for the button ranges). i Since they gave us additional action bars to work with I've been preferring to set a few keybinds with modifiers instead of making a bunch of spec-specific macros that would quickly use all of the class specific macro slots, so I can use the limited macro slots to more interesting macros like mouseover/harm/help spells, it also helps when playing different classes as you could do like Make a macro from this, put it in the button you want to ID, and click it. What I would love is a macro on bar 2 that switches back to boom and changes bar 2 back to bar 1. Then add the Posted new video showing how to make a BASIC Sequence using Ret Pally as an example. An Actionbar Override instead overrides your actionbar slot and puts the GSE Sequence directly there. If you’re trying to copy your bars from one character to another use Action Bar Profiles (Fan Update). Is there a macro I can use that will forcibly activate a stance spell: (such as say Shadowform) and immediately Okay so why would anyone want to use a macro to click a spell or item on their bars instead of just using the item or spell in the macro like I showed? The /click approach allows for some easily "editable" dynamic macro situations Is there anyway to put the ability from Extra Action Button 1 into a macro? I really need one for Feng where I can target the MT and start casting Shroud of Reversal with one I know I can use /click to click another button from a macro but I can’t work out the button id for the second action bar. The DRIVE mount is freaking amazing, but binding it to Vehicle controls (which always sucked lemons in this game) hurts the experience. There is a setting to show macro names on the action bars, but I just can't find the settings for the font that's used there. Here is a list of all the other macros I am using. I have toys and pets and mounts. Arguments page Action bar page to switch to, between After patch it seems like all the action bars have dissapeared from my UI. 2. As of WoW 2. I am scary not to see sequence running or stop. The “Close AB” command is meant to be called from a macro, to programmatically close an action bar. When I’m playing my boomkin, I put the heal spells that take me out of boom form on action bar 2 which means I have to use the scroll mouse to switch from bar 1 to bar 2. Bartender? - UI and Macro - World of Warcraft Forums Loading Im hoping to have my action bar 2 pop up while holding down Shift, then when I release Shift the action 1 will come back up. This, but also you can use same action bar button for several Hello, For consoleport i use the following code to hide the bars except when the conditions are met. July 20, 2023, 9:51am 2. IIRC, stealth counts as a form and with action bar paging, it swaps bar 1 with bar 7. Say that you wanted Taunt bound to 1. system After you import the macro, go to the little macro folder next to the macro buttons. When I'm questing so i don't have to hold down ALT constantly I use this macro to easily switch them. Reason I am not using OPIE is because it is no longer being updated. Also make sure the actual action bar you wanna use is also enabled. By default each loadout has its own set of bars now. Is there a way to put a delay on the hiding for like 5 seconds? Would C_timer work for that or maybe another solution? Any help would be appreciated. On top of the class bars, you can also temporarily turn off shared bars to access higher Hi, I have several alts of the same class, and I’m looking for an addon that’ll let me copy spells and macros’ positions in the action bars over across alts. I think this will really help declutter my main action bar and make casting more spells easier for me. The only personal point of differentiation is that I don’t like using mod: in my macros, and instead prefer to set my action bar keybinds to use the modifiers, then play the macros I want into those locations. Anyone knows a clean way to make a macro that will use the skill on my slot 4 of pet action bar, no matter what pet I'm using, and (In case you are wondering why I'm not just keybinding the regular button 4 on my pet action bar, I want to use mouseover on this macro, so just keybiding the bar wouldnt work) ← API types Action Slot IDs can vary for some classes and are completely arbitrary to the buttons they exist in. When I check off the “shared action bar” box when changing talents, what exactly is the “shared action bar. When you enable this option your action bars stay the same when you switch between saved talent loadouts. E. /changeactionbar options row; options row; none options List of options below, separated by commas, enclosed in [ ] row Integer 1-6, corresponding to the row you wish to select. New replies are no longer allowed. I will be making several tutorials for the new GSE 3. My 1-2-3-4-5-6 keybinds end up on the bottom row even if I want them on the top. This causes a The macro name will still show on your action bar. Every time I stance switch it changes BOTH bars to 2 unique bars for only that stance. The Action Bar Paging binds in WoW's Keybind menu strictly refer to Bar 1, then you set a bind to switch that with another bar so you setup that bar how you want to. Each of these macros are on one of my right side multi-action bars. And then make the 2nd setup, and copy the files for that setup. I have tried tooltip>cursor anchor enable but cant get it to move. The value associated with the first satisfied condition will be interpreted as described below. I’ve done it in the past for the MultiBar’s but they’ve got I’d like to have a macro to show/hide my action bars. The hotbar and slot numbers don't matter much, since later you can move it like any other skill with your mouse, INCLUDING to your cross-hotbar. . Now if action bars are disabled, the spells on them can no longer be accessed. I tried using this: /script MainMenuBar:SetShown(not MainMenuBar:IsShown()) But it doesn’t work as expected. Hello I'm wondering if i could use action bar saving addons and macro bank to somehow transfer all my settings to the ptr. So if on one bar you have a PVP talent, then switch talents and lose it, that ability is removed from the bar so you have to re-add it, which is a bummer. You can use regular macro conditionals in the visibility tab on the action bar. If anyone would be so kind to help me figure out how and if its Try /framestack and point to the action button to get the buttons name (the default action button must have a spell or action or whatever assigned to show a name). It displays 2 bars that form a 6 wide by 4 high grid. Then add the button's name to the /click macro: example: /click ActionButton8 I'm not sure, but I think the button name is case sensitive! If i try set the action paging to 1 on bar 10 (or 1), it shows an empty bar instead of the expected bar it should show. EDIT: I was right as per yesterdays patch notes “Fixed an issue where action bars could get cleared when switching loadouts. Since Blizzard offers no way to take Action Bar 2 off of my UI or block it, I find myself at times switching to it when fighting with classes that use special hotbars. I use a gaming keyboard and mouse, so I have two groups of action bars: on the left, the keyboard binds for my left hand (and mouse-wheel, because I didn't want to make another bar on the right), on the right, the mouse button binds for my right hand. IE, if my Fire Mage has Fireball in the 1 slot, Fire Blast in the 2 slot, etc, I’d like to be able to log onto a second mage, go Fire Spec, and import the first mage’s saved action bar set-up without having to open the Switches your main action bar to the specified page. anon83654062 July 20, 2023, 9:11am 1. Make it like Dragonriding where it just swaps one of the action bars out with flight controls. pageB Integer 1-6, corresponding to an action bar page. :\\ What this means is that we can create a macro to switch out 2 specific abilities for each other quite easily without running risk of having an inactive job actions on the bar: (Note that all these macros expect you to have a full set of 5 selected abilities and no free spots left) After I create a macro it says to “drag this icon to your action bar,” however the icon doesn’t drag. You can configure one bar to automatically change during Metamorphosis, then it will change back for you, amongst many other things. 1 more quick question, what’s the name of the stance bar? So I wanted to make a macro for my arms warrior to equip my 1 hand weapon and shield and at the same time switch my current action bar to the 2nd, because I would be placing the abilities that requires a shield on the 2nd action bar. Use keybinds for quick access You can either create a macro for it (google something like wow modifier macro) or create another action bar and keybind those to shift+1. Subcommands action "action name" [#1] [#2] Set the specified action to I've looked everywhere, but for some reason I cannot find the CVar names for the settings that control whether or not the default blizzard extra action bars (e. With a recent ElvUI update, a macro I've been using for years to show/hide my action bars no longer functions the same way. I was manually clearing all my bars until I found this code: /run for i = 1,120 do PickupAction(i) PutItemInBackpack() ClearCursor() end. Just because I love to macro everything Releases | Milestones | Known Issues. I generally give mine a 2-4 letter abbreviation, just to make them easier to identify. This resulted in me needing to make my keybinds 1-2-3-4-5-6 on the top row and make the bottom row the 7-8-9-10-11-12 keybinds. This has saved me a LOT of time, and it still works with elvui, its just one minor hang up where the click macro clicks the wrong bar on load due to elvui secretly not loading the right bar in spite of showing the right . I’d like to have a macro to show/hide my action bars. Im fairly sure it used to set to tooltip anchor somehow, i just dont like it where it is and would rather it say very bottom right of This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. This works for shift, ctrl, and alt. It does run through comp Hi, I am currently trying to get GetBindingKey to work with the Multi Action Bars, but I have yet to manage. I am only 36 so I am missing some abilities. umm couldn't you just macro some of the buttons on your main action bar like this instead? #showtooltip Demon Form Move; Normal Move /cast Demon Form Move; Normal Move that way they show the demon form move while in demon form, and It could be a spell or an item. Is Procop button different one or the macro doesnt work I also tryed to set keybind to extra action button 1 and tryed with Procop but that hotkey also didnt work. Someone has probably has a better way though. As well as hopefully doing the same for action bar 3 with Alt. When I enter a dungeon I have the same macro but switch out the 3 with 5 since hotbar #5 is my party setup. Is there a macro you can use to randomly call on other macros, or if not, randomly click a set of multi-action buttons? I use bartender, but you could use any action bar addon or the base UI. I found this list for numbering but it hasn’t helped. As such, I need to find a way to use show/hide in the visibility states instead, but I There are better and more effective ways to set up your actions bars to account for the amount of skills in the game, even on SAM, than macro'ing skills to switch your action bars around. The other ui stuff i can deal with. This just started tonight . Before Dragonflight I frequently used a macro to toggle visibility of a set of hidden bars to move buttons around and effectively edit keybinds. after several attempts, WoW crashed to desktop. Example, action bar 1 is key bound “Q E R F SHIFT Q, SHIFT E, SHIFT R, SHIFT F, CTRL Q, CTRL E, CTRL R, CTRL F” which is 12 actions. The current method is something close to this as an addon: spellIdTable = { 48025, -- Headless Horseman's Mount 93326, -- Sandstone Drake 150544, -- Summon Random Favorite Mount 134359, -- Sky Golem 122708 - While KeyBinds work they don't have the immediate feedback that the old dragging the macro to the action bar had. Hi, I am currently trying to get GetBindingKey to work with Advanced usage tips. Features. However, while switching to feral form it also erases my action bar 7 and makes it mirror my action bar 1. ~You can set a castsequence macro that will cast multiple spells when you hit 1 button/macro command. /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage( GetMouseFocus():GetName() ); 🔵 Describe the bug: The GSE program in the DF interface will only cast spells when right clicked, left clicking cycles spells but does not cast them 🔵 To reproduce: (Steps to reproduce the behavior) Install latest version Attempt to util I use gatherers and crafters with controller, but I play all the combat jobs with keyboard and mouse using bars 1 2 and 3 for my skills, bar 4 is the tiny bar with the marks, bar 5 is the "menu" bar, and bar 6 is the shared bar. It's the most important part of my interface when raiding, and the only thing I need to see on my action bars are raid/personal cooldowns that are not part of a rotation. How to create Icon on action bar, that show me runing sequence (blinking)? I am using created macro vith /click OAKRETST, moving him on action bar, but it does not blinking when sequence is running. Get rid of the Vehicle controls in 11. Bar 1 has all my healing spells, bar 2 has all my attack spells. 3, action slots 121-132 exist but are not I'm looking to write a macro -- or an addon -- to place spells on my action bar. Grukkam-doomhammer June 18, 2019, 11:27am 1. I mouse over it and push and hold the moues button, but the icon doesn’t “pick up” like icons usually do when dragged, so it can’t be placed on any bar. Arguments [] pageA Integer 1-6, corresponding to an action bar page. It -pretty much- instantly clears all your bars. UI and Macro. #showtooltip Bloodrage/cancelaura Bloodrage/cast Bloodrage Prior to new expansion, I decided to change my UI and noticed that my actionbars are filled with stuff I no-longer use nor remember why I put them there. Placing them strategically can save you precious seconds during a raid. Alternatively you can macro everything to display different abilities in Fund /click ExtraActionButton1 I tryed it with Procop in ZM but it didnt work. Really cool to use those as holy since you can auto attack immediately after healing with mouseovers. or you Macro I've been using to show/hide action bars in my UI. I know I can use /click to click another button from a macro but I can’t work out the button id for the second action bar. Since you're using controller, just replace /hotbar with /crosshotbar and change the WHM to whatever class you're using if not white mage and it should work. Engel wrote a macro that can be used to update an ActionBar in a comfortable way. 1. I do have a question about the hotkey text on your action bar. Use the /fstack command to find the actionbar button I just fixed my Carpenter Bars and then use the macro and it copies it to all the other 7 crafters. 5. Your main action bar will switch pages depending on its What you request is kinda hard, only way I can think of get that to work is: To setup the bars for pve, and copy the file from wtf folder (or whereever the bar setup is hidden) if you use bartender if might get saved in 2 diffrent places. just installed addon with WoW 8. Is there any way of shortening down the text? Right now it just tries to show “Num key 1” which leaves all the buttons looking like “Nu” instead of just showing N1. The code below prints the keybinds for the Action Bar, but not the Multi Action Bars. The default white text is almost impossible to see. I prefer to use my action bar 7 for out of combat utilities like revives, professions, the like. If you’re referring to the checkbox when you edit a loadout it’s to make that loadout use the bars for the spec rather than bars specific to that loadout. Arguments [] page It's a nice way to hide away some not-commonly used buttons from my screen when I don't need them, and has worked well in other games. ” I keep importing trees or changing talents to find empty bars. Mouseover a action bar button and use this macro to get the ID /run local a=GetMouseFocus()message(ActionButton_GetPagedID(a)) This will print all the slot and texture names where abilities are placed /run for i=1,72 do if GetActionTexture(i) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Slot ". I know that wowwiki has a simple text chart that explains the naming/numbering system for From there you can make macros using the /hotbar copy command to point to your various classes and copy over one of your hotbars to a shared hotbar you may have, allowing you to create a chain of hotbar copying actions to replicate a menu of sorts. (click action bars->player bars-> then the action bar on the list) Now you can set it to "mouseover", and they only show when you mouseover (i think). I have been playing Wow for 15 years and this has never happened before. The font of the keybindings and its settings are not related to the one in question. I have so many classes and toons that setting up everyone is going to take me a life time if i do it manually. With the new ui update, though, a lot of the macro/scripting documentation seems to be out of date, and I can't seem to find where the updated versions are or if there is any way to do this without an addon. : /hotbar action "Pitch Perfect" 3 5 will put Pitch Perfect on the fifth slot of your third hotbar. IDs 73-120 are used by the stance bars of some classes. On my feral druid, I use a weakauras setup from pawketz. A lot of people use weakauras a display for all the information they need for their rotation. Either that or bind it to a key, put your mouse over the button you want to ID and press the key. I can't really help you with the druid forms but this macro will toggle between two bars: /changeactionbar [actionbar:1] 2; [actionbar:2] 1 I use this for my priest. They also make using things like SkyRiding and Vehicles more complicated. In /macro Additionally, if you wanna make a macro that isn't placed on an action bar. ONLY in feral form does it override my → Slash commands Changes your current action bar to the selected row. It doesn't take too long Shift-Drag the abilites and swap their spots on your action bar, but you do have some options. I am looking for a way to get more bars or an addon like Opie that allows you to add several items to one slot on the bar. If you're using any action bar add-ons, they'll have a box that shows where it triggers. 3. I use 6 bars out of the 10 allotted using Bartender for my abilities. Need macro to change to actionbar 2 during metamorphosis. When I check “shared action bar” Switches your main action bar to the specified page. As of 1. Right click and configure permissions. Another macro makes it easy to add/remove rows/columns or for example switch button positions. I’ve done it in the past for the MultiBar’s but they’ve got longer names than will fit in my macro. Jubber. I use ElvUI for actionbars, and when I toggle anchors I don’t even see any action bar anchors. Here are some tips: Place your most frequently used spells on the bottom action bar, closest to your movement keys. I just used So my current UI is super full. Put the macro in that spot on all 3 stance bars and when you press 1 it will cast taunt from any bar. That would So, what macros are you using to save some space on screen and action bars? I would really like to get more of those! These are the ones I found useful so far: Drink/Mana potion macro (Mouse button 1: Water, Mouse button 2: Mana pot, SHIFT-Mouse Button 1: Mage food): /use Runic Mana Potion; Conjured Mana Strudel; Honeymint Tea Mount macro (Mouse Button I’m trying to get out of the custom UI scene and start using mostly default UI. just how to figure out where, shouldnt be to hard. Action bars are where you place your healing spells and other abilities. TinyTask is a minimalist PC automation app you can use to record and repeat actions. At just 33KB, TinyTask truly is Ive been running gaupandas BM and MM macros using /click [mod:shift] GAUPANDA_MM_MT /click [nomod:shift] GAUPANDA_MM_ST /click [mod:shift] GAUPANDA_MT /click [nomod:shift] GAUPANDA_BM_ST up until today these were working perfectly, after updating elvui to the current version i now have the issue thats causing the shift Edit: Read the last suggestion first! There is not a Macro that swaps other macros around. I'm trying to switch to the new Dragonflight UI and enjoying the quick keybind mode, but I'm looking for a quick way to show/hide bars. using any of the sample Rogue macros or a new test macro, cannot drag icon to action bar. Only a few slots in the middle of the bar don’t work. When you set the players as observers, they will be able to locate the macro from their own macro folder icon and then drag and drop it in the macro bar. For example,[mod:alt]show;hide would make the bar only be visible while holding alt. Bottom Left Bar , Bottom Right Bar, Right Bar, Right Bar 2) are shown. Simply type /hotbar action <action name> <hotbar number> <slot number>, e. pls let me know if there's a macro like this, thanks! As an additional way to make these actions quicker and easier to perform you can enable the Action Buttons which will show dynamic macros on your screen that all adapt to whatever action you need to perform for the current step. /changeactionbar [options] page Usage. What this macro does is copy my #3 hotbar and pastes it onto hotbar #1. You may use "no" in front of any of these to invert the logic result. Make a macro called, "_ActionBar_" and then run the following:/run SetBindingMacro("KEYBIND", "_ActionBar_")/run SaveBindings(1) Note, the "KEYBIND" text needs to be replaced by the keybind you want. As a sidenote, there is an addon that creates a new Try /framestack and point to the action button to get the buttons name (the default action button must have a spell or action or whatever assigned to show a name). The code i use to instantly hide and show: [vehicleui][overridebar] hide; show I am using mouse buttons to start and stop sequence. Description. I am trying to create macros to turn on/off what is listed as Action Bar 6 in the Blizzard interface options, but cannot seem to get anything to work. 08-17-2009, 01:36 PM #5. This command accepts secure command options. This is a question for the GSE author: I have a macro in my bar slot with two casts: /cast abc /cast xyz If I manually hit the key, both casts execute, so, is there a way for GSE to execute not just the “/cast” individually if I have it in a GSE macro but but as a group as if I hit that button myself? In other words, is there a way perhaps to specify a bar slot number to “/use” as The DF UI revamp does not allow me to “build down” my action bar when using multiple rows (I. You'd essentially want to make a macro with a stealth conditional, or you can action bar page your second bar to say bar 8 during stealth as well. When I hover over the slot, no tiny hand appears and I can’t click on it to activate the spell. The downsides to this is that it takes up action bar space and can get very convoluted, (the mount macro I use is actually 5 macros in all). As the name implies, it's unbelievably small (only 36KB!), Custom toolbar capability (use any BMP image) It not only records and saves macros but also compiles them, turning your recorded macros into executable programs. I just made my second video showing how you can see your Icon Scroll, and On my lower left action bar, some slots aren’t working. R and T are my heals, I use mouseover macros that end with /startattack for those so it retargets whatever I'm fighting. 1 Like. Does anyone know if this is possible please? /fstack shows the bar as MultiBar5, so I've tried every combination of '/console MultiBar5 1' I can think of, but I don't know much about macros to be I’d like to have a macro to show/hide my action bars. I’ve updated ElvUI to the latest version, and aren After patch it seems like all the action bars have dissapeared from my UI. From there you can find all the imported macros. I tried using this: /script MainMenuBar:SetShown(not Is there a macro function or addon that allows you to setup an action bar that can be shown/hidden specifically via an action bar or bound key? Macro 3, 4, 5 are your actual mount/say something macros clickable on ActionBarButton2, ActionBarButton3, and ActionBarButton4. About the macro, this is my current mountmacro. At BettySue said, you can name your macro's a blank space. Basically all i want is my action bar and macros. I tried using this: /script MainMenuBar:SetShown(not MainMenuBar:IsShown()) But it doesn’t Wonderful, thank-you for the thorough reply. If no conditions are satisfied, no action will be performed. g. My action bar layout is a grid, representing the key's physical location. You need to use 2 macro since there is a 15 line limit per macro. I have Macro 1 on bartender bar 9, position 1, which turns out to be BT4Button97 hey guys i just updated wow and GSE and now GSE doesnt have macro icons to put on action bar anymore. If you disable it each loadout will have their own action bar layout that game saves when you load different loadout or logout. I tried ActionBar# even though I was sure it wouldn’t work, it didn’t, so then I tried ActionSlot# and it Just place the macro in the same spot on all 3 bars. So, to /click the first button on ActionBar Page 2, this macro will work: Change the /click line to the button number you want and you're set. Macro data management; Macro can be configured to be available across all characters (on a single local machine, not server-wide) Support for If you want to slightly modify your UI by changing your action bars, Dominos has alot of fun stuff in it for you to configure, and really easily to boot. fszdmtoqxodaqeuvqxxbsmcnjezdqcvaelrmmzbhmglwmgiioudmamzoomaeqozmkxfwflzfeg