Gimx programmer is not responding If you were to try and access the board from the command line with avrdude what happens? First see if it works from the command line. The green light is on, 13 is blinking, I have carried out a loopback test that works fine, I tried to use on the of the example programs 'blink' (that I've put below) and I have avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: error: programmer did not respond to command: leave prog mode avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: error: programmer did not respond to command: exit bootloader I did check the connection, made sure, that the USB cable is not broken. The gimx is connected to a usb on the motherboard. In Zen Studio my Cronus comes up under the library tab just fine. avrdude butterfly_recv() programmer is not responding These are the two main errors my computer shows. After months of hardcore use of my own GIMX adapter it eventually broke. I have come to realize that the Teensy Loader is not functioning as supposed to after watching multiple YouTube videos of other users and their screenshots during Code: Select all global option -l with value `log. Open your gimx-launcher; Click File->Open config directory; Create a new text file with name you wish to use (make sure to add . Reset sent to the GIMX adapter. hex), LogitechDrivingForceGT_G29. Rumble should work with any controller failed to read packet header from the gimx adapter echec de la detection de l adapteur connecting to programmer: . Problem is, I want to use the arduino pro micro from one of the adapters for a new project and I cannot figure out how to reset the firmware to the normal arduino firmware. Code: Select all /usr/share/gimx/firmware$ ls EMU360. Thanks in advance for your help Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. usbserial-AD021CHU. I am very new to GIMX. 0 connects directly to the console and It's what controls the console rather than the devices I actually use with gimx, I tried force unpairing it and it just gets stick on the blinding white LED light ? just wanted The CP2102 device creates the COM port in GIMX Launcher so I figure that half of the board is working properly. A strange behavior I noticed is each time I plug the device again in the usb port different leds are light up, some times only RX, sometimes only TX and sometimes none (the power led is always on) • avraude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding Now displaying - failed to load firmware. Make sure it is working at 5V and that is has an atmega32u4 chip. avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding failed to read firmware type il marcher bien et d'un coup plus rien merci: Top. 1221. xml' controller #1: option -p with value `COM9' now reading arguments for controller #2 grab flag is unset status flag is set subpos flag is set force_updates flag is set GIMX 8. That did it. avrdude done. I separated the usb cable to use it for something else and put it back in the adapter and the adapter stopped working. I don't care about PS4 or Xbox One, only PC. avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding. 00ms Warning: joystick not found: Logitech G27 Racing Wheel USB 0 Warning: macros are not available for: joystick FANATEC ClubSport USB Adapter (shifter mode) (0) Warning: can't avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x03 What I have tried already with a lot of suggestions on Google. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. hex EMUG27PS3. I am using Rapbian and everything seems to work fine. I'm not a programmer, but for what I understand, it emulates the wheel. txt' global option -c with value `11 TEST. Then finally, a window pops up with the message "Failed to load firmware". If your board is missing, see If your board does not appear in Everything back to the good old plain "Programmer not responding". sterretje February 12, 2024, 7:21am 2. One workaround is that you can double-tap (single I had this problem when working with Arduino IDE and XOD running on top of it. avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding. Make sure you have selected the right board and port correct board under Tools > Board and Tools > Port. hex EMUG27PC. Post by Jacobsson » Thu Oct 07, 2021 1:19 pm. So the PCSX2 maps your wheel to whatever wheel the PS2 supported, including the ffb. 3 Windows 7 64bit DIY adapter made from the guide for dummies (Teensy 2. - Upload new firmware. 1. Matlo Posts: 5768 Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:01 am Location: France. can someone plz help me I reinstalled gimx and still no fbb I am on gimx 7. avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding. Post by kaiba_seto2004 » Wed Jul 17, 2019 2:45 am After uploading firmware, your AVR board will not appear in device manager, but UART board does. 6 Verwendung des Kerns 'arduino' von Platform im Ordner: Hi everyone. I have a GIMX adapter (bought from the official shop) but I cannot make my old Driving Force Pro work with my PS4. exe and click start (messages none, grab mouse unchecked), input windows events (all other options crashes) I get this message clicking start: avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: error: programmer did not respond to command: exit bootloader here is my upload "script" Ive tried also gimx-launcher but it tells me to connect the arduino and the CP2012 to the PC, im unable to do it because i dont have CP2102 and im not using PC (im going to work on RPI3). Setting to board = nanoatmega328new fixed it. I don't know if I should restore the source code, or what to do. I have tried it on both a Windows 7 & 8 machine and with 2 different Nano's: Set my Board to Arduino Nano; (12-23-2022, 07:20 AM) Crossfader Wrote: I think a solution would be something like the PCSX2 does, the PS2 had support for the GT Force, Drive Force and Drive Force Pro. this check. When I click Check everything seems to be fine and if I use GIMX config I can map the buttons, but I bought a gimx adapter to use with rewasd on another device however my gimx wont update to the firmware needed for rewasd. Thank you. Instructions from the Wiki to load firmware. I updated firmware fine when I tried first time but now I coulnd't and I'm getting Connecting to programmer: . avrdude: butterfly_recv(): Bought the GIMX adapter from GIMX. I just strated with Arduino UNO (I haven´t made any project yet). "Connecting to programmer: . I compared Windows 'device settings', arduino IDE settings and XOD settingsand they are not the same and seem to change ? hence the 'avrdude:stk500_**** errors! Right now I am trying to use the GIMX software with my Windows PC (later hopefully a raspberry pi) The Programmer is not responding. 6 x86_64 Windows 10 (or later) x64 Kernel version: 10. Once the command prompt loads, I keep getting the "Connecting to programmer: . The only thing you have to do is to solder 3 wires between these two Environment: Windows11 home 23H2 VSCode with latest platformIO plugin board: Arduino Uno My platformio. hex EMUPS3. Hardware Version = . Was using the new bootloader. When I upload with verbose output enabled, got the message: avrdude: usbdev_open(): did not find any USB device "usb" Maybe some problem with my usb driver? By the way, I cannot install usb driver in new usb port, but only avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: error: programmer did not respond to command: exit bootloader here is my upload "script" Ive tried also gimx-launcher but it tells me to connect the arduino and the CP2012 to the PC, im unable to do it because i dont have CP2102 and im not using PC (im going to work on RPI3). What I found; looked like baud rates were being set differently at different stages in the setup. Then finally, a Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override. using default refresh period: 10. 6. I understand default firmware is for PS4 so trying to update firmware to g27pc. Most errors can be solved by following these steps. . I didn’t change any setups on my PC, used old config files etc Right now I am trying to use the GIMX software with my Windows PC (later hopefully a raspberry pi) The Programmer is not responding. Re: GIMX and Xbox 360 Controller not working. avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding Problem uploading to board. I'm guessing that this may be the case in my system where I had an other device at the same USB port before plugging Arduino there. . 5. While making sure I had the wiring right, I must have reset the Leonardo enough to cause the Press and hold the reset button on the Leonardo or Micro, then hit the upload button in the Arduino software. xml' controller #1: option -p with value `COM3' now reading arguments for controller #2 status flag is set subpos flag is set force_updates flag is set GIMX 6. Re: Gimx rpi 1b. Select the port of your "programmer board" from Arduino IDE's Tools > Port menu. General troubleshooting checklist. If it's not gimx-loader will fail to load the firmware. Does I updated some code and tried to upload it, but it hung on the "Connecting to programmer" step with this message: Connecting to programmer: . All controls are working. So you need an atmega32u4 chip, like pro micro or leonardo, not atmega328 like uno, nano. avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding windows/gprio. I tried all but using a new board or USB cable as they are both brand new, PC or manually installing the drivers because I cant find it in the device manager on Windows. 0 firmware. I have tried switching the TX/RX now 3 times and still same result. 8. 13\\hard Driving Force Pro not working. According to the avrdude, bootloader is fine. avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: error: programmer did not respond to command: exit /usr/share/gimx/firmware$ ls EMU360. Maximum is 32256 bytes. But when I click on Programmer is begins searching for my Zen, it stops and won't allow me to go back into Programmer. My goal is to be able to use my PC wheel, pedals and shifter in games that do not support multiple inputs like Forza Horizon 4 and 5 (steam version) and Snowrunner (Epic version) as I've read it would work. ckaiycool Posts: 494 Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:16 pm Location: Sweden. When I plug in the Nano, L blinks several times as it's initialising, and then goes into a steady, yet quick blink. Using a leonardo board, win 7, latest IDE (1. and if it were the case of reinstalling the source code, how is it done and what files must be inserted. avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding どうやら書き込みにいってはいるが、返事がないということみたい。 Arduinoに入出力しているものを全てはずして、マイコンだけで書き込みしてみる。 I turned to Google and found this avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding | SOLVED which has a number of different things to try. Need help? Ask here and someone will help. hex EMUXBOX. xml after the name), open it using notepad and paste data. Maybe it isn't a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device? avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1 Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override this check. As a GNU/Linux user I tried using dfu-programmer So i've been using gimx for a year now and It was working fine a couple of days ago but this morning my reverted Xbox One 1708 model controller reverted to 3. After each step, try uploading your sketch again. Maybe it isn't a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device? avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1 Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override He everyone! I started experimenting with an Uno (which worked fine) and now want to move to a Leonardo. Audio is not supported. Select Sketch > Upload from the Arduino IDE menus. ArduinoISP > Arduino ISP from the Arduino IDE menus. xml' controller #1: option -p with value `COM4' avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: error: programmer did not respond to command: leave prog mode avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: error: programmer did not respond to command: exit bootloader avrdude: error: programmer did not respond to command: exit bootloader. I've been having a major issue with my Arduino Nano; I can't upload code to the board whatsoever, and I've tried practically everything. avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding do you have a vague idea of what I can do? thanks regards Hi all, thanks in advance with your help. 0, CP2102 serial converter) EMUG29PS4 firmware (atmega32u4. 0 x86_64 Windows 10 (or later) x64 Kernel version: 10. And since then I have no ffb in the game so I'm stuck now. hex EMUDFPS2. hex EMUT300RSPS4. There is an issue in the "reset" process during the upload. Select File > Examples > 11. - Unplug/replug uart side, if it does not work try again with unplug/replug AVR side. Hello. I've just build a GIMX adapter and uploaded the EMUG27 8. kaiba_seto2004 Posts: 554 avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: error: programmer did not respond to command: exit bootloader Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1. Any game controller (gamepad, joystick, fightstick) can be used. hex EMUGTFPS2. avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding" ilikearduino June 22, 2015, 8:36pm 2. Re: failed to read packet header from the GIMX adapter. Searching around on forums and the internet really hasn't helped, as my problem seems to be pretty specific. In rare cases if you use very old firmware it may also not work, then you have to update it. avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding When I unplug and re-plug the adapter part, the black screen comes, but says " avrdude: butterfly_recv (): programmer is not responding " among other text. Top. Global variables use 9 bytes (0%) Code: Select all global option -l with value `log. xml config The controls and avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0xf5 What I have done so far: I already tried to reset Arduino just before uploading the sketch. But also, when i installed GIMX, Windows asked if i want to install Arduino driver (no idea what that is) so i accepted. hex EMUT300RSPS4 5. c:23 gprio: failed to set priority class global option -c with value `LogitechDrivingForceGT_G29. Following this guide: - Connect both sides of gimx adapter to PC. Hello everyone! I am new in this Forum but I done a few things with Arduino already and for some reason all my Arduino's stopped working (Via Serial) and now I do not know what to do I read a few Articles on this forum either they lead to dead links or it does not work I already tried all Bootloaders/Processor and so on (It still works via an direct usb connection on I've been using the adapter for more than 6 months. Last version of GIMX, used Xbox360pad firm My controllers are a direct drive wheel and pedals (They work perfect with ps3 and ps4, so IMO they shouldnt be the problem) Anyway, thanks alot for the GIMX, it works flawless in all sony consoles, but its really sad the part of the microsoft ones Load the proper hex file to your board with the Teensy loader, the Flip utility from Atmel, or the dfu-programmer command-line tool. I am using Windows 11. Jamster wrote: ↑ Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:54 pm Hi I brought a gimx adapter about 2 months ago from eBay and yesterday I accidentally deleted the log file on the black screen were it says about the ffb. ) I've downgraded and then updated my Cronus several times, including doing the hard factory reset several times. I've downloaded all drivers listed and still no luck anything helps just want to get these two working together. ) GIMX and Xbox 360 Controller not working. hex avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding It just kept scrolling that every couple avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: error: buffered memory access not supported. 5 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno" Sketch uses 928 bytes (2%) of program storage space. hello guys am interested in this adapter and i want to make one but unfortunately i didn't find a usb to ttl converter in my area then i bought two arduino micro (ATmega32U4) but when i try to load the firmware to the adapter i get this message (avrdude butterfly_recv() programmer not responding) I started Gimx-loader, the config checked passed, I started my PS4 via the console's power button, didn't touch the DS4, and pressed the PS button I had assigned to my wheel, and nothing happened. I´m tryinig to blink a LED, but whem I upload the sketch to the board this appears on the compilation box Arduino:1. Since I didn’t have all required hardware to build another one I bought one from Malto. It OFTEN does not allow me to select a com port - only shows a list of blanks ,even thougt it is always showing as com 6 in device manager. Also make sure that the cable you are using to connect the AVR Or if it easier how to change isntalled firmware, but I'm afraid that this might not work because to make first flush I had to reset plug/unlug arduino programmable port but now is unrecognizable, when pluging/unluging uart I got avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not I start gimx launcher, click on upload firmware, choose my firmware, unplug and reattach the usb key, the arduino dos starts but then I get this error: Connecting to programmer: . I started Gimx-loader, the config checked passed, I started my PS4 via the console's power button, didn't touch the DS4, and pressed the PS button I had assigned to my wheel, and nothing happened. avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding Recheck connection between uart and AVR board. Thanks in advance for your help This sounds like a permissions issue. hex EMUJOYSTICKPS3. hex EMUPS4. Supported models: Xbox One Controller Model 1537 - without bluetooth and jack (Very old firmware may not work, in this case, update controller firmware. 0 (14393) USB adapter detected, "Connecting to programmer: . Only release the reset button after you see the message "Uploading" I can run the config file but when i launch gimx. Thanks in advance for your help. I am not sure how to manually update the gimx to the firmware needed for rewasd. hello guys am interested in this adapter and i want to make one but unfortunately i didn't find a usb to ttl converter in my area then i bought two arduino micro (ATmega32U4) but when i try to load the firmware to the adapter i get this message (avrdude butterfly_recv() programmer not responding) avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1 Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override this check. ; Wait "Connecting to programmer: . in the hello guys am interested in this adapter and i want to make one but unfortunately i didn't find a usb to ttl converter in my area then i bought two arduino micro (ATmega32U4) but when i try to load the firmware to the adapter i get this message (avrdude butterfly_recv() programmer not responding) • avraude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding Now displaying - failed to load firmware. 3-4 restarts later it will work, making wanting me take it out and hammer it in anger This will downgrade software on controller to the protocol supported by GIMX and it will work again. 0 (19045) GIMX adapter detected, controller type stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding. Two button boxes (i don't really care if I can connect them or not to Gimx, only the other things). Maybe it isn't could you also post clear pictures of your adapter and are you using the latest version of GIMX. GIMX; ↳ Announcements; ↳ Tutorials; ↳ Support; ↳ Configurations and Requests; ↳ Config index; ↳ GIMX Discussion; ↳ Videos; Other; When I unplug and re-plug the adapter part, the black screen comes, but says "avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding" among other text. However, when I try to update the firmware, I get the "programmer not responding" error. Forum rules. I don't If it's not gimx-loader will fail to load the firmware. hex EMUDFPPS2. avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding". GIMX not working :(Post by paweu_ » Fri Jan 31, 2020 9:46 pm. ini: [env:uno] platform = atmelavr board = uno framework = arduino when I try to flash to my uno boards (I have 2 and this is an issue for both), I get: Processing uno (platform: atmelavr; board: uno; framework: arduino) Verbose mode can be enabled via -v, - This will downgrade software on controller to the protocol supported by GIMX and it will work again. Tried reseating the AtMega five times without any success, board is not resting on any conductive surface (actually tried different ones - paper, PVC, plastics etc. Hi. I have two new arduino unos (not knockoffs) that worked fine receiving code from the same dell laptop running windows 10 for a few days, then suddenly I began receiving the errors below: Arduino: 1. I have had issues with trying to upload any code onto the arduino. Post by Sicosamo » Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:59 am. hex II/ Connect the two devices. 5 plz help me get my ffb work in GIMX allows to emulate the following controllers: Xbox 360 controller, Dualshock 4. txt' global option -c with value `LogitechDrivingForceGT_G29. You seem to be missing the step in the output where the IDE resets the board. Then save the file. This page explains how to build a GIMX DIY USB adapter. GIMX; ↳ Announcements; ↳ Tutorials; ↳ Support; ↳ Configurations and Requests; ↳ Config index; ↳ GIMX Discussion; ↳ Videos; Other; He is not the person to blame for your problems. Hello, I made my self a gimx adapter. I bought the GIMX adapter from this website to connect a G920 to a PS4, and I'm following the guide to set it up on Windows 10. But whatever I do, when uploading to the (brand new) Leonardo it tells me: avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding what i've tried so far: on osx -> "about this mac" -> "system report" -> checked that the arduino shows up as usb device. F avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: error: buffered memory access not supported. hex EMUG29PS4. The adapter "shop" is optional feature if you want to get ready to use adapter without DIY but you still need some other things to make it work if you don't have officially supported wheel, software is free and you don't need official adapter to get GIMX working. The serial Monitor works, so the program on the board must be something doing! Searching the web I followed other threads, "Connecting to programmer: . Thanks in advance for your help The test showed the FT231X is working as expected. I'm busy all week programming, and up to today that was a real pleasure. So I have an arduino yun, OS is Mac OSX El Capitan, port is /dev/cu. 5 (Windows 8. Changing the Tools -> Serial Port to /dev/ttyUSB0 solves the problem. FQBN: arduino:avr:nano Verwende das Board 'nano' von der Plattform im Ordner: C:\Users\rolfd\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1. ckaiycool Posts: 492 Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:16 pm Location: Sweden. When I unplug and re-plug the adapter part, the black screen comes, but says "avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding" among other text. LoneWolf81 Posts: 235 Joined: Sat Jun 15, 2019 11:49 am GIMX 5. It may be that after restart the situation might be different; I don't know haven't tested. bluetooth connection method: not using GIMX adapter: bought from your shop /usr/share/gimx/firmware$ ls EMU360. Connect the "programmer board" to your computer with a USB cable. I'm using Windows 11. Reinstalled drivers, Arduino IDE; Changed the USB cable and connected it to another USB slot i use arduino nano 168p Using board 'nano' from platform in folder: C:\\Program+Files+(x86)\\SimHub\\_Addons\\Arduino\\ArduinoIDE\\arduino-1. 12 posts Previous; 1; 2; Jacobsson Posts: 5 Joined: Sun Sep 12, 2021 1:28 pm. Thanks for the reply. This morning I've been cursing around for some time, since the board will not accept uploading my sketch anymore. I spent 30 Euros, waited one week and here it is. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers . Recheck connection between uart and AVR board. hex EMUXONE. no pass-through device is needed Start the game with a dualshock 3, and then reassign game controllers. Whatever steps are happening in "Starting reset using 12 Right now I am trying to use the GIMX software with my Windows PC (later hopefully a raspberry pi) The Programmer is not responding. 12). I have a clean installation of Eclipse Neon + Eclipse Arduino v3 Plugin + Leonardo board + MacOS 10 + Arduino IDE 1. Matlo Posts: 5764 Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:01 am Location: France. For instructions, see Select board and port in Arduino IDE. Loading a firmware on the board is explained on the TIAO wiki. Connecting to programmer: . dfu-programmer example: sudo dfu-programmer at90usb162 erase ; sudo dfu-programmer at90usb162 flash at90usb162. When I upload via USB I have problems (see last post). 1), Tarjeta:"Arduino/Genuino Hello, I constructed 2 gimx adapters and work great. Make sure it is working at 5V and that is has a chip among the following: at90usb82, at90usb162, at90usb646, dfu-programmer command-line tool (not compatible with genuine teensy boards and with Arduino-compatible atmega32u4-based boards) Re: GIMX DIY adapter stopped working - ReadFile failed: timeout expired. On Windows you have to adjust the “Latency Timer” setting. Click File->Refresh in gimx-launcher so config will appear on the configurations list or simply restart gimx-launcher. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. ; Select your "programmer board" from Arduino IDE's Tools > Board menu. ) Upload via AVRisp MK2 no problems. The gimx is Also make sure that the cable you are using to connect the AVR side does have data lines to transfer data and not just power. My intention is to play only in PC. care igqcr zxdxbp vochcub yswqd csmup oskzo rwk tosijxc jepl zivwbt gfkbvioe anhhx xtph efcuq